January's Message: Its NEVER Too Late

i went live today on my YouTube channel to share our January cardlate, i know. But still really important.

Important because so often we talk ourselves out of doing something because we tell ourselves, "It's too late"like i almost did this morning.

Before i hit the "Go Live" button, i was swarmed with thoughts like 👇🏽

It's the LAST WEEK of JANUARY, Brandi!

It's too late.

And my favorite dream killer (and my personal saboteur of choice):

Who the fuck cares anyway?

We often believe and feel that the "enemy" is outside usthe nondescriptive "they" as in my other favorite, What are THEY going to say?

But really our greatest dream crusher is our own voice. The one that 👇🏽

Talks us out of ever starting.

Talks us out of sharing what's on our heart.

Talks us out of giving the gift of our art, vision, and soul-self by buying into the bullshit we tell ourselves about it being too late or not good enough.

And, in 2025 and beyond, i want to invite you/me/we/us to stop selling ourselves short, cutting ourselves off, or killing our dreams before they even have a chance to seed their greatness inside us.

Because this year--and these next four yearswe are going to need your art, voice, work, creativity, and spirit now more than ever.

And 5 days (the number of days left in this first month of 2025) is a long time if we use them intentionally and attentionally (👈🏽 my 2 words for this last week in January).

What will you intend to do this week, i wonder?

For me, these next 5 days, i'm giving my attention to YOU. 🤗

And in going live this morning, sharing the truth of my heart with you and our card for January, The Fool.

Your turn!

What will you give your precious attention to?

My hope is that it's showing up to your creativity, art, words, and work, friends.

It's time.

You/i/we/us are ready. 🙏🏽

in lak'ech

PS. i'd love for you to join me Wednesday for my first popup workshop of the year, How To Use Writing & Journaling To Change Your Life. It's free for members of The Wild Dream Journal Club and a minimal investment of $22 for non-members. Hit reply to this email with any questions you have! i hope to see you there!

Brandi Amara Skyy HWICH of WOKE MAGIC

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