Going into 2025 i knew i wanted more of two things: poetry and depth. i also knew that if i wanted to foster more of those two energies, the way that i approached pretty much all areas and aspects of my life had to change. From past experience, i also knew that trying to start a massive energetic and life overhaul all at once was not just doomed for failure, but also the surest way to ensure that the change wouldn’t happen. So instead, i decided to focus on harnessing more poetry and depth in my wake-up ritual. Each morning, i get up. Brush my teeth. Wash my face. Apply toner, eye, and face cream. i smile at the groggy face staring back at me. Walk to the kitchen, put on the tea kettle, open the windows, make my cup of tea, and retreat to my disheveled room of my own that i envision as more of a library than an office, but whose current state is still a chaotic mess of a life packed in boxes from moving house and dealing with cancer. i take a few deep breaths that fill up my belly, chant a few Aums, and light a candle as i open up my morning journal to expel what’s ready to be expressed on the page. This is the same journal i bought and started when i received my cancer diagnosis in October 17, 2024. Today, i realize, i’m on the very last page of it. i feel into what i’m grateful for and i write it down, usually 5 things. Sometimes 10 or more. From there, i pick up the first of three books i’ve designated as “those books to help me change my life.” But really what i mean is, help me change my inner life because i also know that if the inner world is shit, the outer world will only produce more of the same. i journal alongside the first book. Pausing my reading to ask and answer questions that are usually inspired by the text. i pick up the second book and do more of the same. Usually from there i break from reading and pick up my tarot deck to draw my card of the day. i do this because i feel charged from the reflection and inquiry that journaling and reading sparked in me and this kind of charged-up, introspective energy, i have found, is the best way to meet my first commune with Spirit and card pull of the day. i pull a card. i share it on my Facebook and Instagram profile with whatever short downloads i receive in hopes of sparking something eternal in you. From there i gift myself the freedom to go one of many ways:
i close out my wake-up ritual when i feel complete. i do this by asking myself, “Do i feel complete?” If the answer is yes, i close out my ritual and go about my day. If the answer is no, then i feel into what it is that’s craving my attention. i share all this with you because this is the most important part of my day. Not because of the things that fill it, but because of the connections, listening, and actioning i make/take with Spirit and myself. If i don’t take this time to connect with myself and Spirit now when my mind and the world are quiet, i surely won’t be able to access me, myself, my soul, and Spirit as the day progresses and the opinions, demands, and pressure of others and life begin. And our connections to ourselves, our ability to self-source our power, worthiness, information, and direction is THE MOST important component of manifesting anything—your Wild Dream Life, Wild Dreams, the right agent, partner, animal companion, book deal, house. Whatever it is you’re desiring, it all starts off as inside job. It's seeded in the moments and time we spend with ourselves—and how honestly we live while we’re there. We all know this, and yet . . . we don’t do it. We don’t gift ourselves the one thing that everything in our life needs—the fullness of ourselves, our undivided attention, the power and potency of self-knowledge. There is no greater time than the present to begin. 2025 is the year of The Hermit. What greater gift of energetic support could there be? None. So your Wild Dream praxis for the week is to find, steal, or borrow time for yourself—in whatever way, shape, or form that looks like to you. Let it be easy. Let it be quiet. Let it be just you surrounded by your favorite things that connect, tether, and ground you back into the soul of you. Let this praxis be a continual gift you give yourself every day and watch in awe how your life automatically shifts, responds, and changes to meet you along your new way. Enjoy the magick of yourself. Until next time, ​ |
SAVE THE DATE! Thursday March 20th, 2025* Awaken Your Wildest Dreams This Spring Equinox! Dear Wild Dreamer, The seasons are shifting. The Earth is awakening. And so are you. The Spring Equinox is a portal—a moment of perfect balance between light and dark, a time to plant the seeds of what you most desire. It’s the season of renewal, rebirth, and limitless possibility. That’s why i’m inviting you to a FREE Live Wild Dream Journaling Circle on March 20th—a sacred space where we’ll gather to...
Hola familia! One of the things that you might not know about me is that i conduct a lot of self-generated and created "experiments." These experiments are often centered around a central theme, idea, or skill i want to build and are done very much behind the scenes. But this experiment is different. This experiment requires me to do something i've never really done before--show up on live video in a real, raw, and honest way. i'm used to doing that here or in my writing, but on live video on...
Here's why it feels that way... HOLA MI BEAUTIFUL GENTE! i spent the entire first half of the week working really hard to create content to help you live wildly and freely--because we/i/us are going to need your medicine, lights, and magick NOW more than ever. This is the first of a series of videos that i hope will inspire you to dream bigger than you ever have and empower you to be, do, have, and lead all that you came here to be--and then some. in lak’echxo-b❤️🔥