Hola familia! One of the things that you might not know about me is that i conduct a lot of self-generated and created "experiments." These experiments are often centered around a central theme, idea, or skill i want to build and are done very much behind the scenes. But this experiment is different. This experiment requires me to do something i've never really done before--show up on live video in a real, raw, and honest way. i'm used to doing that here or in my writing, but on live video on social media channels, it feels (and is) TOTALLY different. i'm calling it 100 days of showing up live on Substack to share insights, realities, and the full spectrum of a creative and Wild Dream life. It's part of The 100 Day Project (you can learn more about it here) and today i got REAL personal and shared my two Wild Dreams for 2025, one of which i've never spoken out loud before. You can watch the short video below 👇🏽 Or you can cheat 😉 and skip to the Wild Dream i've never spoken out loud before by watching this short. Why am i doing this experiment? Because my Wild Dreams demand that i show up differently and in radically new and vulnerable ways i've never done before. In ways that scare and stretch me. And for all these reasons too. 🔥 i've also been hard at work behind-the-scenes making content and creating things that i hope will be extremely helpful for you as you navigate your Wild Dream Path. Why? Because another Wild Dream i didn't share on the live is that i want to help ONE MILLION people in 2025 (a desire i've had since 2012, i'll share more on that later 😉). And that can only happen if i create things and share them with you. 🤗 In this week's YouTube video, i share signs to help you know when your soul is craving more and one thing you can do about it. 👇🏽 My spellcast is that one or all of these videos serve you and your Wild Dreams in small, subtle, big, and/or loud ways. 💫 And remember: Your Wild Dreams are possible. You got this. i believe in you. i love you. |
SAVE THE DATE! Thursday March 20th, 2025* Awaken Your Wildest Dreams This Spring Equinox! Dear Wild Dreamer, The seasons are shifting. The Earth is awakening. And so are you. The Spring Equinox is a portal—a moment of perfect balance between light and dark, a time to plant the seeds of what you most desire. It’s the season of renewal, rebirth, and limitless possibility. That’s why i’m inviting you to a FREE Live Wild Dream Journaling Circle on March 20th—a sacred space where we’ll gather to...
Here's why it feels that way... HOLA MI BEAUTIFUL GENTE! i spent the entire first half of the week working really hard to create content to help you live wildly and freely--because we/i/us are going to need your medicine, lights, and magick NOW more than ever. This is the first of a series of videos that i hope will inspire you to dream bigger than you ever have and empower you to be, do, have, and lead all that you came here to be--and then some. in lak’echxo-b❤️🔥
Going into 2025 i knew i wanted more of two things: poetry and depth. i also knew that if i wanted to foster more of those two energies, the way that i approached pretty much all areas and aspects of my life had to change. From past experience, i also knew that trying to start a massive energetic and life overhaul all at once was not just doomed for failure, but also the surest way to ensure that the change wouldn’t happen. So instead, i decided to focus on harnessing more poetry and depth in...