Three 🎁 Gifts To Help You Live Your Magick

Hola mi gente!

i come bearing GIFTS!! 🎁 🎁🎁 Lots of them!!

This morning i had the honor of hosting and holding space for the wonderful souls who showed up to our Leo New Moon Circle live--and those who are joining us on the replay. i left inspired and even MORE devoted to delivering all the tools you need to manifest your Wild Dreams into your real-world life.

In fact, i left our circle with so much energy that hopped on Instagram and did a short live--about showing up, showing out, and doing what you say you're going to do!

🎁 That's gift #1. i'm calling it: PopUp Video Downloads. You can watch it 👇🏽 (click pic to be redirected to the video).

🎁 Gift #2 is . . . Mercury rx Medicine Bundle. Click the pic to be redirected to the bundle. 👇🏽

This bundle is soooo good that i wanted to share the love with everyone, and not just the folxs who bought The Ultimate Mercury rx Journal.

May this bundle help you harness the power of reflection and reassessment so you may continue to learn, grow, and serve. 🙏🏽

🎁 Gift #3 is . . . JOIN ME LIVE ON TUESDAY FOR OUR MONTHLY TAROT MEDICINE READING! Click the pic to be redirected to YouTube & click "Notify Me" on the bottom left hand corner.

Where you can ask me any and all questions about how our card of the month (Knight of Cups) might be impacting you!

May you have the day and week you are desiring.

Enjoy the magick and i'll see y'all Tuesday at noon CST!

i love you.

in lak'ech

Brandi Amara Skyy HWICH of WOKE MAGIC

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